Exceptions are often overlooked by software engineers. But who can blame us? They are exceptional, after all. (See what I did there?) When they are not overlooked, attention is often paid to only one side of the exception coin: throwing exceptions. We tend to put effort into detecting error cases (e.g., a method being called when the object is in the wrong state, invalid parameters, etc.) while overlooking the implications of a thrown exception. When an exception is thrown from a method, what effect does it have on the code surrounding the caller? Are any mutable objects in an inconsistent state? Or worse, an undefined state? The answers to these questions will help you understand what level of exception safety your code provides to its clients.

Warning sign of man falling off a cliff. Warning sign of man getting run over by a bulldozer.

What Is Exception Safety?

There are different levels of exception safety guarantees that your code can provide to its clients. Since this is such an important topic in C++, the four levels of safety (as described by Bjarne Stroustrup in Appendix E of The C++ Programming Language) seem like a good place to start. From weakest to strongest guarantee:

No exception safety
No exception safety guarantees are made. If an exception is thrown from a method, the state of the object is effectively undefined. This is usually an unacceptable level of exception safety. It basically means that if an exception is thrown, the application must terminate immediately.
Basic exception safety
If an exception is thrown from a method, the state of the object may have been changed but will remain internally consistent. No resources (such as memory or locks) are leaked. For example, in the implementation of a concurrent map, if an exception is throws in a put operation, any locks acquired during the put will be released. This is often the most practical level to achieve.
Strong exception safety
If an exception is thrown from a method, the state of the application will be as if the method was not called. This is often hard to achieve because it can involve complicated roll back operations that may themselves fail.
No-throw guarantee
No exceptions will be thrown from a method. Cleanup methods often fall into this category.

Exception safety is a huge part of C++. A lot of this stems from the fact that memory must be managed (there is no garbage collector) and a poorly timed exception can cause memory leaks if care is not taken. Templates and operator overloading can exacerbate the problem, hiding exceptions in seeming innocuous code like:

a = b + c

If a, b, and c are basic types (e.g., int), then this cannot possibly throw an exception. However, what if a, b, and c are defined as follows?

complex a;
complex &b;
double c;

In this case, exceptions may be lurking in a’s overloaded assignment operator, when dereferencing b (if it is a dangling/null reference), or when invoking the addition operator for adding a double to a complex.

complex operator+(const complex &lhs, double rhs)
    complex result = lhs;
    return result += rhs;
Warning sign of man injuring back. Warning sign of man about to get hit on head by falling toolbox.

Exception Safety Starts at the Interface

Ever wondered why some C++ collection classes in the STL have such an awkward interface? For example, why doesn’t queue::pop() return a value? Why must one call queue::front() to get the head of the queue and queue::pop() to remove it? The answer is, not surprisingly, exception safety. Consider what would happen if pop() also returned the head of the queue, using an interface similar to the following:

template<typename T>
class queue {
    virtual ~queue() =0;

    virtual bool empty() const =0;

    virtual void push(const T &amp;item) =0;
    virtual T pop() =0;


    // Prevent default creation
    queue(const queue &amp;other);
    queue &amp; operator=(const queue &amp;other);

A naïve implementation of pop() may look similar to the following:

T pop()
    // TODO: Make sure there's an element
    auto T result = items[read_pos__];
    read_pos = (read_pos + 1) % capacity;
    size -= 1;
    return result;

Looks good, right? Well, sadly, the return statement is not as innocuous as it seems. This will invoke T’s copy constructor, which may throw an exception.

T(const T &other);

If an exception is thrown, the element that was the head of the queue is no longer referenced by the queue and was not returned (an exception was thrown); it has been lost forever. In fact, there is no safe way to implement pop() without the possibility of elements being lost in this way. By changing the API to split out the two operations, both can be implemented safely:

template<typename T>
class queue {
    virtual ~queue() =0;

    virtual bool empty() const =0;
    virtual const T &front() const =0;
    virtual T &front() =0;

    virtual void push(const T &item) =0;
    virtual void pop() =0;


    // Prevent default creation
    queue(const queue &other);
    queue & operator=(const queue &other);

The implementation of pop() no longer needs to return a value, so it consists of only arithmetic operations on the internal structures (operations that cannot throw exceptions).

void pop()
    // TODO: Make sure there's an element
    read_pos = (read_pos + 1) % capacity;
    size -= 1;

The implementation of front() is also exception safe, as it consists of nothing more than returning the address of the head of the queue (an operation that cannot throw an exception).

const T &front() const
    // TODO: Make sure there's an element
    return items[read_pos__];
Warning sign of man tripping over a rock. Warning sign of man falling off of a ladder.


The concept of exception safety is not limited to C++, although providing exception-safe code is much less of a concern with languages like Java. Consider a simple interface that allows you to register things with a registry:

interface Registry<T> {
    Registration register(T item);

    interface Registration extends AutoCloseable {
        void close();

Registered items can be removed from the registry by closing the returned Registration object. For example, consider an implementation of Registry for registering Runnable’s that are called when an application exits:

final class OnExitRegistry implements Registry<Runnable> {
    // Implementation details ...

It may get used similar to the following:

Registry<Runnable> onExitRegistry = new OnExitRegistry();

// ...

// Must clean all the temporary files (created above) if we exit.
Registration registration = onExitRegistry.register(this::cleanup);

// temporary files no longer exist, cleanup no longer needed.

Our task is to create a registry that manages registrations to multiple registries. That is, clients register with our registry and we pass that registration along to multiple downstream registries.

Our first cut at an implementation might look similar to the following:

final class MultiRegistry<T> implements Registry<T> {
    private final List<Registry<? super T>> registries;

    MultiRegistry(List<Registry<? super T>> registries) {
        this.registries = ImmutableList.copyOf(registries);

    public Registration register(T item) {
        ImmutableList.Builder<Registration> registrationsBuilder =
                registry -> registrationsBuilder.add(registry.register(item)));
        return new MultiRegistration(registrationsBuilder.build());

    private final static class MultiRegistration
    implements Registration {
        private final List<Registration> registrations;

        private MultiRegistration(List<Registration> registrations) {
            this.registrations = registrations;

        public void close() {

Looks good, right?

Sadly, no. This naïve implementation suffers from several exception safety issues that can leave the state of the registry in an undesirable state. Let’s put on our Exception Safety Hat and go through this implementation.

Focusing in on register(), what’s the desired behavior? It could be argued that a strong exception safety guarantee is warranted, so that item should not be registered with any downstream registry unless it is registered with all downstream registries and a Registration is successfully returned. In this method, several failures can leave the registry in a bad state:

  • A call to registry.register(item) fails
  • A call to registrationsBuilder.add() fails
  • Creation of the MultiRegistration fails

In all of these cases, item may be registered with some (or all) of the downstream registries with no way of closing the registrations. To address this issue, any new registrations should be closed unless we can return a Registration object. Our second attempt at the register() method may look similar to the following:

public Registration register(T item) {
    List<Registration> registrations = new ArrayList<>(registries.size());

    try {
        for (Registry<? super T> registry: registries) {
            // Save the registration in case it can't be added to the
            // list and needs to be closed
            Registration registration = registry.register(item);
            try {
                // The registration has been accepted by the list. If a
                // failure occurs, it will be closed through the reference
                // in the list.
                registration = null;
            } finally {
                if (registration != null) {
                    // An exception was thrown before registration was added
                    // to the list, so it must be closed explicitly.

        Registration result =
                new MultiRegistration(ImmutableList.copyOf(registrations));       

        // Now that the result Registration has been created, clear out
        // the unaccounted for registrations so they won't be closed in
        // in the finally block.
        registrations = ImmutableList.of();
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Close any registrations that were not added to a
        // successfully returned Registration object. This will be empty
        // in non-failure cases.

In this new version, registrations are collected in a mutable list so that they can be closed if an exception is thrown. The list is cleared out only once there is no chance of an exception getting thrown.

If registry.register(item) fails, then the egistrations list will contain all of the successful registrations so far. These registrations will be closed in the finally block of the outer try before the exception is propagated outwards. Although the state of the downstream registries may have changed throughout the execution of this method, the closing of the registrations will undo that work.

If registrations.add() fails (which replaced registrationBuilder.add()), the finally block of the inner try will close the registration (leaving the registrations already added to the registrations list) to be handled by the finally block of the outer try. If no such failure occurs, the finally block of the inner try will see that the registration was set to null (after the successful addition to the registration list) and will do nothing. (This example is somewhat forced since List.add() is unlikely to throw an exception — other than for OutOfMemory. Keep in mind that similar operations may throw exceptions, requiring similar exception handling logic.)

If the creation of MultiRegistration fails, then all registrations will be closed in the finally block of the outer try because they were added to the registrations list but not removed from it. If the creation succeeds, the registrations list is emptied so that the finally block of the outer try will not find any orphaned Registration objects to close. Notice how the list was replaced with ImmutableList.of() rather than calling registrations.clear(). This is because the former simply returns a pre-constructed singleton (and will not thrown an exception) whereas the latter could, in theory, fail.

The astute reader should have noticed that it looks like we’re not done yet. In the error handling paths, Registration.close() is called, which could, itself, throw an exception. Should these calls be wrapped in a try/catch block that will suppress the new exception? Arguably, yes. Unfortunately, this catch is not enough. A thrown exception indicates that closing of the registration failed and the item may still be registered. This is akin to throwing an exception in a destructor in C++, which is legal, but dangerous In cases like this, destructor-like behavior should not throw exceptions.

Warning sign of man slipping on oil. Warning sign of man getting electrocuted by a live wire.


Since my primary language has shifted to Java, one of the things that I miss most from C++ is (the poorly named) Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) and its use of stack unwinding to perform rollback operations. The textbook example of RAII involves resource locks (e.g., a mutex) where all calls to acquire (or lock) must be matched with a call to release (or unlock). Code can quickly get messy if all calls to acquire a lock also require a try/catch block to unlock the mutex. Instead, C++ takes advantage of automatic calls to destructors of stack variables during stack unwinding.

class scoped_lock {
    scoped_lock(lock &lock) :

    ~scoped_lock() {

    lock &lock__;

    // Prevent default creation
    scoped_lock(const scoped_lock &);
    scoped_lock &operator=(const scoped_lock &);

To execute a block of code with the lock acquired, simply create a scoped_lock and let the compiler do all the work:

scoped_lock scoped_lock(mutex);
int result = 0; 
for (size_t i = 0; i < items_count; ++i) {
    result += items[i].count();
return result;

mutex is automatically released when scoped_lock is destroyed, whether this happens because the function returned the result or an exception was thrown in the body of the method. This pattern can be extended to support all-or-nothing transaction-like rollbacks.

Transaction transaction;

// compute stuff_params ...

// computer othter_stuff_params ...


If an exception is thrown before transaction.commit() is called, the destructor of transaction will perform whatever operations are required to undo the operations that have already completed.

Java flirts with RAII with its support for try-with-resources. Although slightly more verbose than RAII in C++, try-with-resource will automatically call close() on one or more AutoCloseable objects.

Consider a simple address book with a method for finding all addresses that match a given predicate. The first-cut implementation might look similar to the following:

class AddressBook {
    private final ReadWriteLock lock;
    private final List<Address> addresses;

    AddressBook() {
        this.lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
        this.addresses = new LinkedList<>();

    Collection<Address> findAll(Predicate<Address> predicate) {
        ImmutableList.Builder<Address> result = ImmutableList.builder();
        Lock readLock = lock.readLock();
        for (Address address : addresses) {
            if (predicate.test(address)) {
        return result.build();

Because the address book is updated infrequently but read very often, we use a ReadWriteLock1 to allow multiple concurrent readers but only a single writer. Unfortunately, this means that we can’t take advantage of Java’s synchronized keyword (which takes care of unlocking for us). Like the MultiRegistry example above, if an exception is thrown after the read lock has been acquired but before the read lock is released, the read lock will be leaked and all subsequent writers will be blocked. We can fix this by adding a try/finally block that will always unlock the read lock:

Collection<Address> findAll(Predicate<Address> predicate) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<Address> result = ImmutableList.builder();
    Lock readLock = lock.readLock();
    try {
        for (Address address : addresses) {
            if (predicate.test(address)) {
    } finally {
    return result.build();

This is now correct, but is verbose. We have to remember to add a try/finally whenever we need to acquire/release a lock. This might be OK if there are only a few instances, but if there are many instances, we can do better by defining a few helpers:

private ScopedLock readLock() {
    return new ScopedLock(lock.readLock());

private ScopedLock writeLock() {
    return new ScopedLock(lock.writeLock());

private static class ScopedLock implements AutoCloseable {
    private final Lock lock;

    ScopedLock(Lock lock) {
        this.lock = lock;

    public void close() {

Much like the C++ scoped_lock example above, ScopedLock automatically locks the lock in its constructor and releases the lock in the close method. To acquire a read lock and automatically release it when done, simply use it in a try-with-resources block.

Collection<Address> findAll(Predicate<Address> predicate) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<Address> result = ImmutableList.builder();

    try (ScopedLock ignored = readLock()) {
        for (Address address : addresses) {
            if (predicate.test(address)) {
    return result.build();

Pro-Tip: When implementing AutoClosable, remove the throws Exception from close(), otherwise you’ll have to add a catch clause to your try-with-resources.

Warning sign of man who lost hand in power saw. Warning sign of man avoiding toxic waste.


Java’s ScheduledExecutorService runs submitted tasks asynchronously, with scheduleAtFixedRate() and scheduleWithFixedDelay() scheduling the same tasks periodically. There’s one catch: the executor service will stop scheduling a periodic task if the task should ever throw an exception, requiring your tasks to provide the no-throw guarantee.

        () -> {
            try {
                checkFile(url, onChangeHandler);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.log(WARNING, "Error while checking file " + url, ex);

Exception safety begins at the interface. When strong exception safety is needed, mind the interfaces that you’re defining. As we discussed earlier, an interface may not be implementable in an environment where strong exception safety is required.

When making your code exception safe, whether strong or basic exception safety is required, keep in mind that any method call can, in theory, throw an exception. Always Be Careful. Exceptions can be lurking almost everywhere. This is especially true in languages like C++ where what looks like a simple variable assignment or the addition of two numbers may actually invoke any number of overloaded operators, copy constructors, implicit constructors, and cast operators.

Although not covered in this post, our good friend immutability can be a huge help in achieving exception safety. Since immutable objects have no mutable state, their methods do not need to consider exceptions; any thrown exception will have no effect.

Warning sign of man falling backward off his chair. Warning sign of man slipping on ice.
  1. There are actually better ways to handle this scenario as explained in Concurrency is hard