No, really. Concurrency is hard.

Of all the technical challenges that an engineer faces, concurrency is high up on the list of the most difficult. It is such a challenge that most of the companies for which I have worked have taken steps to reduce the damage concurrency can wreak.

One company that I worked for, Proofpoint, took the educational route. As part of the normal on-boarding process, we held a 5-day bootcamp for engineers; all were expected to attend, regardless of experience level. During this bootcamp, a handful of senior engineers (including me) would coach the new engineers as they worked through the process of building a new REST service from the ground up. The attendees would learn about the stack, perform code reviews (both as the reviewer and reviewee), learn about the common pitfalls of the libraries we used, and a lot more. Concurrency was such a large concern that an entire day was devoted to its perils. We’d begin the session with a talk (titled Concurrency is Hard) discussing common concurrency errors, including very specific examples. Even after such instruction, engineers still fell trap to the very mistakes of which they were warned. This was so common that the session’s closing talk (titled No, really. Concurrency is hard!) was dedicated to covering the concurrency mistakes the atendees made during the session, in an attempt to drive one point home: Even when special attention is paid to writing correct, thread-safe code, engineers still make mistakes. Perhaps we were just bad teachers. Perhaps. I’d like to believe that concurrency truly is hard and us instructors had the deck stacked against us.

Another company that I worked for, Initech1, took a different tack: abolish in-process concurrency. Concurrency is so hard that even the best engineers will make terrible mistakes. Initech’s main product was written in C and was running on modest hardware (usually with no more than eight cores). Concurrency was achieved through multiple single-threaded, isolated processes that did not share state. Since processes needed to coordinate, interaction was isolated to standard RPC mechanisms, forcing clean APIs between processes. Avoiding in-process concurrency, it was hoped, would result in simpler software, reducing complexity and simplifying the job of the engineer. Problem Solved. Problem solved? If only it were that simple. Software decisions, especially hard ones, are not about choosing between a superior and an inferior design or solution; it’s about deciding which trade-offs can be justified. Did the abolition of in-process concurrency make things easier? Absolutely. But it also came with its own challenges. Despite each process being single-threaded, processes still needed to handle multiple simultaneous streams of data. This meant that the state of each stream needed to be explicitly stored (rather than being implicitly stored in a thread’s stack), allowing the main thread to resume processing a stream once it was able to transition to a new state (e.g., because more data became available). A bigger problem that abolishing in-process concurrency exposed was resource utilization. Consider the case where the application is running on an 8-core machine and only one process has any real work to do. In such cases, 7 cores may be completely idle because the busy process has no threads to run on the other cores. Don’t get me wrong, the architecture served Initech well for many years and allowed us to move quickly when implementing new features. At the same time, we had use cases where it bit us, requiring a lot of design work to address certain things that were significantly harder because of the design choices made.

Let’s assume that you’ve decided that in-process concurrency (i.e., writing a multi-threaded application) is the fork you are going to take in this road. How do you handle concurrency issues in an effective manner in your software?

Attacking Thread-safety head on

So, you’re looking to protect your data structures from multiple threads, but you’re not too sure what data structure to use.

In languages like Java, it’s all too easy to slap the synchronized keyword on your method and be done with it. This may be OK, but it’s important to understand what’s going on under the covers and how that’s going to impact the performance of your application.

Let’s build a consumer registry. This registry allows a producer to produce to several consumer without the producer having to worry about which consumers have registered. This registry implements the Consumer interface and provides a method allowing consumers to register. Data is produced frequently and consumers registration is relatively rare. How should we go about building such a solution?


A mutex (Mutual Exclusion lock) is a fundamental locking mechanism that I assume you are familiar with, so I will not bore you with the details. (If you are unfamiliar, wikipedia has a good article.)

How might we implement our consumer registry using a mutex?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ConsumerRegistry<T> implements Consumer<T> {

  private final List<Consumer<T>> registrants = new ArrayList<>();

  synchronized public void register(Consumer<T> registrant) {
    if (!registrants.contains(registrant)) {

  synchronized public void accept(T t) {
    registrants.forEach(registrant -> registrant.accept(t));

In Java, synchronized is syntactic sugar for acquiring and releasing an object’s intrinsic lock. (which is nothing more than a mutex). In fact, Java doesn’t even have an explicit Mutex class. To create a mutex, any Object will do:

Object mutex = new Object();

synchronized(mutex) {
  // Magic

Mutexes are easy to use, but are often the big-hammer solution to a concurrency problem. By ensuring only one thread accesses a mutable object at a time, consistency can be maintained.

One of the significant limitations of a mutex is that it serializes all access to a data structure, even access that doesn’t necessarily conflict. It’s likely that your use case can benefit from a less heavy-handed solution. Consider one of the solutions below.

Read/Write Lock

One of the problems with our mutex solution is that when a thread locks the mutex for the purpose of notifying the registered consumers of data that was just produced, other threads needing to notify registered consumers will be blocked until the first thread has finished (effectively serializing all access to the registrants). In our use case, data is produced frequently and consumers don’t register very often. Provided no one is updating the list, multiple threads can access the list at the same time.

This is exactly the use case for a Read/Write lock, which allows access to data by multiple simultaneous readers while restricting access to only one writer.

How might our implementation change if we used a read/write lock?

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ConsumerRegistry<T> implements Consumer<T> {

  private final List<Consumer<T>> registrants = new ArrayList<>();
  private final Lock readerLock;
  private final Lock writerLock;

  public ConsumerRegistry() {
    ReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
    this.readerLock = readWriteLock.readLock();
    this.writerLock = readWriteLock.writeLock();

  public void register(Consumer<T> registrant) {
    try {
      if (!registrants.contains(registrant)) {
    } finally {

  public void accept(T t) {
    try {
      registrants.forEach(registrant -> registrant.accept(t));
    } finally {

This is much better. Our readers no longer interfere with one another and are only blocked by writers. Did we hit a home-run with this solution? Not quite. At first glance, everything seems OK, but read/write locks have their own idiosyncrasies.

The astute reader may be asking themselves: “What happens if there is a never-ending stream of readers?” In the mutex case, this is less important. Readers and writers are effectively treated equally and, depending on the implementation, will likely be woken up “randomly” or in arrival order. How does this work in the case of a read/write lock? Well, it depends.

In the case of Java’s ReentrantReadWriteLock, the default behavior is unfair. Readers are allowed to acquire any lock not held by a writer, allowing a steady stream of readers to starve a writer. A ReentrantReadWriteLock, can be constructed to behave fairly, by trying to favor arrival order, preventing writers from being starved. This comes at the expense of lower reader throughput, as readers that arrive after a writer must wait for the writer to get access, even if the reader could be finished before the writer gains access.

We can do better, still.

Lock-Free Readers

In the mutex and read/write lock implementations, readers have to block the writers from updating the list while at least one reader is traversing it. If the writers updated the registry by creating a whole new list (instead of updating the existing list) then the readers would not have to block.

Immutable Objects are the concurrent programmer’s best friend!

By replacing registrants with an immutable list, we can remove all synchronization from the read path. A reader will essentially take a snapshot of the current registrants and iterate over them, ignoring any new registrants that a writer may add. Unfortunately, we can’t just do the same for the write path; to avoid lost registrations, we need to handle the case where two or more writers attempt to update the registrants at the same time. Since we need to serialize all updates, it’s easiest to revert to using the ConsumerRegistry’s intrinsic lock. Our updated implementation might look similar to the following:


import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ConsumerRegistry<T> implements Consumer<T> {

  private volatile List<Consumer<T>> registrants = ImmutableList.of();

  synchronized public void register(Consumer<T> registrant) {
    if (!registrants.contains(registrant)) {
      registrants = ImmutableList.<Consumer<T>>builder()

  public void accept(T t) {
    registrants.forEach(registrant -> registrant.accept(t));

Notice how registrants is volatile? This ensures that threads that call accept() will see any changes made by other threads. Without it, changes will only be seen after synchronization points (which may not exist for the calling thread). If a thread calls accept() while another thread is calling register(), one of two things will happen: either registrants will evaluate to the old value (before register() was called) or the new value (after register() was called). Either way, it’s the same as the previous mutex and read/write lock examples with the caller acquiring the lock before or after (respectively) the thread that performed the update.

If we remove synchronized from register(), we can lose registrations. Consider the following scenario:

  1. registrants contains registrants {A, B, C}.
  2. Thread 1 grabs a copy of registrants (containing {A, B, C}) to add D
  3. Thread 2 grabs a copy of registrants (containing {A, B, C}) to add E
  4. Thread 1 creates a new list containing {A, B, C, D} and updates registrants.
  5. Thread 2 creates a new list containing {A, B, C, E} and updates registrants, inadvertently deleting D.

Making register() synchronized is one way to prevent that from happening.

In our lock-free readers solution, readers no longer participate in ConsumerRegistry locking; they come and go as they please. Behavior is no different than if locks were in place but we’re now only blocking writers. Surely we’ve landed on the perfect solution! Right?


In 1991, Maurice Herlihy published his seminal paper Wait-Free Synchronization, which (among other things) proved that simple atomic operations, such as Compare and Swap (CAS), can be used to build complicated lock-free data structures.

Java provides an implementation of these atomic operations in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package, with the AtomicReference being of note. AtomicReference extends a volatile reference with higher-level lock-free operations, taking advantage of hardware support for an atomic CAS operation available on contemporary hardware. If implemented in software, the CAS operation of an AtomicReference behaves as if it had the following implementation:

class AtomicReference<T> {
  private volatile T value;

  synchronized boolean compareAndSet(T current, T update) {
    if (value != current) {
      return false;
    value = update;
    return true;

(In reality, it uses a native method that exploits hardware support for CAS, making it blazing fast.)

Note how compareAndSet() uses == and not .equals(), comparing identical objects not those that are logical equivalent. This is why CAS can be performed in hardware.

With this one operation, we can build higher-level atomic update operations. For example, getAndUpdate() (which gets the current value, transforms it using an operator, stores the transformed value, then returns the original value) may have an implementation similar to the following:

T getAndUpdate(UnaryOperator<T> updateFunction) {
  T current, update;
  do {
    current = value;
    update = updateFunction(current);
  } while (!compareAndSet(current, update));
  return current;

This solves the last of our problems, removing the synchronization from the writers. Even though the writes happen infrequently, synchronization can be an expensive operation, even when there is little contention for a lock2. Instead of blocking the writers from updating the list at the same time, we can let as many writers in at the same time, using compareAndSet() to allow only one writer to update the registry; other writers will have to try again.

Our completely lock-free implementation may looks similar to the following:


import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ConsumerRegistry<T> implements Consumer<T> {

  private final AtomicReference<List<Consumer<T>>> registrants =
      new AtomicReference<>(ImmutableList.of());

  public void register(Consumer<T> registrant) {
    List<Consumer<T>> current, update;
    do {
      current = registrants.get();
      if (current.contains(registrant)) {
      update = ImmutableList.<Consumer<T>>builder()

    } while (!registrants.compareAndSet(current, update));

  public void accept(T t) {
    registrants.get().forEach(registrant -> registrant.accept(t));

Let’s revisit the scenario from before to see how it handles two simultaneous writers:

  1. registrants contains registrants {A, B, C}.
  2. Thread 1 grabs a copy of registrants (containing {A, B, C}) to add D.
  3. Thread 2 grabs a copy of registrants (containing {A, B, C}) to add E.
  4. Thread 1 creates a new list containing {A, B, C, D} and updates registrants.
  5. Thread 2 creates a new list containing {A, B, C, E} but fails to update registrants because it refers to a {A, B, C, D} and not the expected {A, B, C}.
  6. Thread 2 grabs a copy of registrants (containing {A, B, C, D}) to add E.
  7. Thread 2 creates a new list containing {A, B, C, D, E} and updates registrants.

One last thing worth noting. Garbage collected languages make lock-free structures incredibly easy to implement. In non-garbage collected languages (like C and C++), the updating thread would be expected to free the memory associated with the old list. This is surprisingly difficult, as there is no easy way for the writer to know that all references have been released. Andrei Alexandrescu has written an excellent article, Lock-Free Data Structures, outlining how this is done in C++.

Sharded Locks

As awesome as lock-free structures are, it’s not always possible to provide a satisfactory implementation. Sometimes, locking is required.

One strategy to minimize contention on an object is to provide sharded locks. At construction time, the object is split up into several fixed shards. Contention occurs only when there is concurrent access to one of the shards. This applies to any type of lock (e.g., mutex or read/write lock). A perfect example for this is a hash-based map. The hash buckets can be split into several shards, with each shard protected by a read/write lock. When a key is accessed, the shard associated with the key will be locked for access, allowing other threads to access other shards.

Without getting into too much detail about how this would be implemented, this type of locking is provided by Guava’s implementation of a ConcurrentMap and is one reasons you should always use MapMaker in favor of creating a ConcurrentHashMap.

Common Pitfalls

Even when making a conscious effort to make code thread safe, mistakes can slip through. Some of these mistakes tend to be more common than others.

Thread-unsafe Interfaces

You’re working on a monitor that keeps track of the state of something. Clients use this to get the state and make decisions based on what they have read. The interface you’ve defined looks similar to the following:

import java.time.Instant;

public interface StateMonitor {

  Instant getLastUpdate();

  FooState getFooState();

  BarState getBarState();

  final class FooState {
    // Foo State

  final class BarState {
    // Foo State

You’ve completed an implementation of this interface and you’ve managed to convinced yourself that your implementation is thread safe. Truth be told, your implementation is thread safe. Things still aren’t working. But why?

The problem you’ve failed to consider is the thread safety in the interface itself! What you’ve done is designed an interface that cannot easily be used in a thread-safe manner (if it’s even possible to use it in a thread-safe manner).

To keep things simple, lets assume that you used the brute-force synchronized keyword on all your methods. What that means is that while a call to getFooState() is in progress, nothing can update the state so the returned FooState will be consistent. The problem happens when a client needs to atomically acquire two or more components of the state. Although no updates can occur while getFooState() is being called, updates can happen between calls to getFooState() and getLastUpdate(). Unfortunately, users of this API have little recourse to ensure atomicity.

How can we address this problem? We have to redesign the interface.

import java.time.Instant;

public interface StateMonitor {

  Snapshot getSnapshot();

  default Instant getLastUpdate() {
    return getSnapshot().getLastUpdate();

  default FooState getFooState() {
    return getSnapshot().getFooState();

  default BarState getBarState() {
    return getSnapshot().getBarState();

  final class Snapshot {
    private final Instant lastUpdate;
    private final FooState fooState;
    private final BarState barState;

    public Snapshot(Instant lastUpdate, FooState fooState, BarState barState) {
      this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;
      this.fooState = fooState;
      this.barState = barState;

    public Instant getLastUpdate() {
      return lastUpdate;

    public FooState getFooState() {
      return fooState;

    public BarState getBarState() {
      return barState;

  final class FooState {
    // Foo State

  final class BarState {
    // Foo State

Instead of giving access to each field independently, all fields are bundled in a snapshot, to which clients have access. If a client needs a consistent view of multiple fields, they can acquire a snapshot and then pull out the desired fields from it.

For those clients that do not care about consistency between fields, helper methods for accessing the individual fields can be provided.

Leakage from Concurrent Collections

Consider a mutable object:

static class Thingy {
  private final Set<String> names = Sets.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
  private final List<Integer> values = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());

  void addName(String name) {

  void addValue(Integer value) {

We have to maintain a collection of named Thingy objects that will be updated through the life of the application. Since the Thingy objects are already thread safe and independent from everything else, it seems wasteful to synchronize our update methods. Why not use a ConcurrentMap?

private final Map<String, Thingy> thingies = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

void addNameToThingy(String thingyId, String name) {
  Thingy thingy = thingies.get(thingyId);
  if (thingy == null) {
    thingy = new Thingy();
    thingies.put(thingyId, thingy);


Since we’re using concurrent collections, we’ve inadvertently given ourselves a false sense of security. The problem happens if two threads attempt to add a new thingy name for a non-existent thingy.

  1. Thread 1 attempts to add "thread1" to thingy "A".
  2. Thread 1 checks for a current Thingy in thingies and finds none.
  3. Thread 2 attempts to add "thread2" to thingy "A".
  4. Thread 2 checks for a current Thingy in thingies and finds none.
  5. Thread 2 creates a new Thingy for thingy "A" and adds it to the thingies map.
  6. Thread 1 creates a new Thingy for thingy "A" and adds it to the thingies map.
  7. Thread 1 updates its Thingy (the one in the thingies map), adding "thread1" to thingy "A".
  8. Thread 2 update its Thingy (the one no longer in the thingies map), adding "thread2" to a stray thingy.

In the end, thingy "A" only has the name "thread1" but not "thread2".

In order to close this hole, we need to leverage some of the functionality of ConcurrentMap. The features to leverage depends on the version of Java.

In Java 7, ConcurrentMap.putIfAbsent() is needed. addNameToThingy() may look similar to the following:

void addNameToThingy(String thingyId, String name) {
  Thingy thingy = thingies.get(thingyId);
  if (thingy == null) {
    thingy = new Thingy();
    Thingy oldThingy = thingies.putIfAbsent(thingyId, thingy);
    if (oldThingy != null) {
      thingy = oldThingy;


The code is a bit awkward here because putIfAbsent() returns the previously stored value. If it returns null, then our new Thingy made it into the map and should be used. If it returns a non-null value, some other thread managed to squeeze in another Thingy and we should use that.

This is substantially easier in Java 8, which introduced ConcurrentMap.computeIfAbsent(). Using it, addNameToThingy() may look similar to the following:

void addNameToThingy(String thingyId, String name) {
  thingies.computeIfAbsent(thingyId, key -> new Thingy())


No talk about concurrency is completely without a nod to immutability. One of the easiest ways to avoid having to deal with concurrency issues is to make as many things immutable as possible.

I can’t stress this enough.

Immutability is an important enough topic to devote an entire post to it.

  1. This company shall remain nameless, to protect the innocent. 

  2. How expensive really depends on the platform. For example, Linux has the concept of a futex (or Fast Userspace muTEX), which only require transitioning to kernel space (which is expensive) when there is contention for a futex (e.g., two threads attempt to acquire the lock at the same time).