When thinking about what makes a thing a pleasure to use, we often think of how easy it is to use. Was I able to accomplish my task quickly, without effort? Was I able to figure out how to use the thing in the first place? Did I spend a significant amount of time reading through documentation to understand how the thing worked before I could use it?

No matter how smart or careful your users are, if there is a way to misuse your API, they will find it!

When designing an API, we tend to put more thought into making it easy to use at the expense of making it easy to misuse. I suspect this is because it’s much easier to think about what the API must do (and by extension, how to make that easy for users) than it is to think about how the API could be misused/abused (and by extension, how users might break the API). Besides, making things easy to use will attract users. (And we all want more users!) But don’t forget that making things hard to misuse will keep them safe. No matter how smart or careful your users are, if there is a way to misuse your API, they will find it!

Many of the strategies for maximizing ease of use are broadly covered by adhering to the Principle of Least Astonishment, which I covered in greater detail last week. If you haven’t read it already, you should do so now. (Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you get back. You’re done? Great!) At a high level, ensure that the obvious way to use your API is also the correct way.

Keeping users safe can be a thankless job; it often goes unnoticed. I would be hard-pressed to recall an anecdote where an API saved me from harm. I cannot say the same for an API that put me in harms way. APIs that are easy to misuse will eventually get misused. When you do, you’ll acquire a battle scar or two.

A few weeks ago, my team was working on a new feature that would allow our customers (other engineers) to test certain hard-to-reproduce scenarios in production. All of our functional testing went smoothly; everything looked great. We rolled the new build out to canary instances in production, replacing about 10% of the existing instances with the the new build. After running for about 30 minutes, the canary instances showed no signs of failure or performance degradation. We rolled out the new build to the entire cluster. Shortly after the last instance had been updated, things started to go awry. Latency shot through the roof; our p99 latency shot up from about 40 ms to well over 150 ms. After redeploying the new build with the new feature disabled, we began the postmortem process, digging through our metrics trying to figure out what went wrong and, more importantly, why the problem didn’t appear on the canary instances.

After a lot of digging, we eventually tracked down the problem to a misuse of our metrics collection API. By default, all generated metrics are kept in memory, using a collector that is now mostly used by unit tests. All percentile metrics are stored as raw values, which we were generating, resulting in an explosion of memory use. This explosion caused GC thrashing in an attempt to reclaim memory, triggering a massive CPU overload, causing our latency to suffer. The in-memory metrics collector has no business being used in production, but our API made this easy. We have since fixed the API, making it much harder to store stats in-memory on production instances. We were put at risk by our API, we paid for it, and we’ll likely remember it (at least for the next few years).

Difficulty of Misuse

When maximizing the difficulty of misuse of an API, the goal is to maximize the probability that users will detect misuse, while minimizing the effort needed to do so.

Let your Compiler be your Guide

The most effective way to maximize the difficulty in misusing your API is to let the compiler do the work for you. By catching API misuse with the compiler, only correct use of the API will compile. A perfect example of this was the introduction of Generics in Java 1.5. Prior to the introduction of Generics, generic APIs (such as List and Map) were forced to use the most inclusive type in its API, forcing awkward casts by the caller.

public final class Math {
    public static int sum(List values) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
            int value = (Integer) values.get(i);
        return result;

OK, that’s not too bad. But what happens if the caller accidentally calls with the wrong list?

public void doStuff(List names, List values) {
    for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
        System.out.println(names.get(i) + "=" + values.get(i));
    System.out.println("Total=" + Math.sum(names));

Unfortunately, the compiler would dutifully compile this method and the unsuspecting user would only find out at runtime that they had made a mistake when a ClassCastException was thrown because of the attempt to cast a String to a Integer. Oops!

With the introduction of Generics, this whole class of problem goes away. Instead, the sum() method would not perform a cast and would only accept a List of Integers:

public final class Math {
    public static int sum(List<Integer> values) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
            int value = values.get(i);
        return result;

Since the caller would also restrict the type of List objects it accepted, the misuse of calling Math.sum() with anything other than a List of Integer objects would fail to compile:

public void doStuff(List<String> names, List<Integer> values) {
    for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
        System.out.println(names.get(i) + "=" + values.get(i));
    // This will not compile. names is a List<String>
    System.out.println("Total=" + Math.sum(names));

Break at Runtime

For those cases where using the compiler to catch your users’ mistakes is impractical, detect misuse as soon as possible and break at runtime. This is not going to catch as many misuses as using the compiler to catch errors since it requires the offending code path to be executed for misuse to be detected. However, if you die violently as soon as the misuse occurs and your users have good test coverage, they will be aware of their misuse and will be able to correct it.

Have Good Documentation

Good documentation is always better than no documentation, which is always better than bad documentation. If detecting misuse at compile time or runtime is impractical, as a last resort produce good documentation that describes how not to misuse your API. Good documentation will hopefully keep your users from looking at the implementation (which can result in your users depending on bugs that are present in your implementation).

Your users like to code; they don’t like reading documentation. Users tend to read the documentation only after they’ve gotten into a bind and are desperate to get out of it. If your users read the documentation, they will likely skim through it, searching for a specific keyword; they will almost certainly miss the warnings urging them to steer clear of the dragons.

What to do when Ease of Use conflicts with Difficulty of Misuse?

It’s not uncommon to be faced with a design choice that the goal of Difficulty of Misuse conflicts with the goal of Ease of Use. Resist the urge to favor Ease of Use over Difficulty of Misuse. Favoring Difficulty of Misuse is often the better choice.

Dogleg Manual Shift Pattern

A concrete example of this from the real world is the inhibitor or interlock that is present on some manual transmission vehicles In the most common shift pattern, reverse is below 5th gear. When in 5th gear, you’re likely travelling at highway speeds, making a drop down into reverse an expensive mistake. Some vehicles have an inhibitor, which forces you to enter reverse from neutral, making it impossible to pull straight down from 5th into reverse. Other vehicles have an interlock, requiring the gear stick to be pushed downward (towards the floor) or a ring around the stick to be pulled upward before the shifter will slide into reverse. This interlock makes the gearbox harder to use since it is harder to shift into reverse. This complication is worth the extra effort because it eliminates a whole class of errors from accidental (and dangerous) shifts into reverse.