When designing things to be used by humans, it is very important to remember that users are part of the system and when your thing doesn’t behave as the user expects, they are astonished. Astonished users have a tendency to blame themselves for misusing your thing and may end up feeling stupid for misunderstanding how your thing actually works. Unless you are a schadenfreudesüchtig1, you probably want to avoid making your users feel stupid.

Lots of things can astonish users of your thing, especially users who are unfamiliar with it. When I first started programming in Java, I was unfamiliar with Java’s memory model and made a ton of mistakes. Luckily for me, I was surrounded by exceptional engineers who were patient with me and taught me about some of Java’s dark corners. Over time, the astonishment faded as I became more familiar with Java. It’s not that Java’s memory model was “obviously designed by morons!”, it was different enough from my previous experience with C/C++ that I had to build a new mental model for writing Java code. This is not the kind of astonishment I’m talking about. New, innovative things are, by definition, different than existing things, leading to unfamiliarity. This is much different than the astonishment from using something familiar and it does not behave as expected.

Keeping users from being astonished leads to an important principle in usability design:

The principle of least astonishment

People are part of the system. The design should match the user’s experience, expectations, and mental models.

(From Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction by Jerome H. Saltzer and M. Frans Kaashoek.)

POLA applies to all areas of interface design, from the tangible (e.g., a door) to the abstract (the UI of your favorite app). As software engineers, we tend to associate POLA with UI design, forgetting that all of the software we write has users. Your users may be limited to your team (in the case of an internal interface realizing an implementation detail of the project for which your team is responsible), other teams within your company (in the case of an internal library for which your team is responsible), or other engineers around the world (in the case of an open source library that your team maintains). Don’t be fooled; not all users are alike. Users of Twitter’s REST API are very different than the users of Twitter’s UI, but the need to minimize astonishment in both groups remains. Users of the REST API come with different experience, expectations and mental models, so the REST API should cater to these expectations.

Serendipitously, a few days ago Let’s Encrypt experienced the business-end of some astonishing behavior resulting in them apparently leaking 7618 email addresses to the owners of the same 7618 email addresses. Tom van der Woerdt quickly pointed out the “feature”, with some example python code, that resulted in the leak. What he posted was similar to the following:

from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
m = MIMEText("Hello World!")
m['To'] = 'address1@example.com'
m['To'] = 'address2@example.com'
print m

generated a message with two To headers:

From nobody Sun Jun 12 15:18:28 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: address1@example.com
To: address2@example.com

Hello World!

Why is this a problem? Consider the context under which the email package was likely used by Let’s Encrypt: sending a newsletter to all 383,000 of their users, with each user receiving an identical email. It’s not unreasonable to create a template message, then, for each recipient, change the To header and deliver the message:

from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

addrs = ['address1@example.com', 'address2@example.com']

m = MIMEText('Hello list subscriber!')
for addr in addrs:
    m['To'] = addr
    print m

Any expert python hacker, unfamiliar with the email package, would likely expect this to work as intended. They would (rightfully) expect the ‘To’ header to be replaced during each iteration of the loop. In python, as with many other languages, indexing into a collection uses brackets to denote the index. As an lvalue, the collection is updated by replacing the value stored at the index (if any) with a new value. As an rvalue, it evaluates to the value stored at the index.

Armed with these expectations, the expert python hack would expect the following emails:

From nobody Sun Jun 12 15:22:54 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: address1@example.com

Hello list subscriber!


From nobody Sun Jun 12 15:22:54 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: address2@example.com

Hello list subscriber!

Much to their surprise, the second email message would include both email addresses:

From nobody Sun Jun 12 15:22:54 2016
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
To: address1@example.com
To: address2@example.com

Hello list subscriber!

Is this a bug? What’s going on here? Sadly, this is not a bug. The email package is designed this way. On purpose. The behavior is documented.

If you’re familiar with RFC-822 and RFC-2822, the behavior almost makes sense. Since the standard allows for a header to appear multiple times, it’s expected that the email package supports this feature. By coopting syntactic sugar provided by python, this API turned a “set” into an “append”, unsuspectingly. Instead, an API similar to the following would be much clearer:

class MIMEHeaders(object):
    # Other stuff

    def set(self, name, value):
        # Replace all existing headers of type "name" with one with
        # value "value".

    def add(self, name, value):
        # Add a new header of type "name" with value "value", while
        # retaining existing headers of type "name".

class MIMEText(object):
    def __init__(self):
    self._headers = MIMEHeaders()

    def headers(self):
        return self._headers

How can I minimize the astonishment I inflict on my users? Glad you asked. A lot of this boils down to one easy to understand (but hard to implement) principle:

Do every reasonable thing in your power to meet the expectations of your users.

Here are just a few reasonable things you can do.

Ensure behavior is obvious, consistent, and predictable
“Obvious” tends to be subjective; something that is obvious to a python hacker may not be to a Java guru or C++ magician. Be consistent with the platform for which you are writing and the domain in which you are working. Consider the other classes/methods of your package.
Avoid unexpected side effects
Separate out queries from state changes. A mutator that says it does one thing should do only that one thing and not some other, unrelated thing.
Naming is important
Names should clearly communicate what a class/method does. Be consistent with similar classes/methods so your new class/method feels familiar to your users.
Stuff happens
It’s not an anomaly to fail when an irrecoverable error condition is met. However, it is surprising when something doesn’t fail when it should. Consider a deserializer that returns half deserialized objects when a deserialization error occurs. It may seem like this is being nice to the user because they do not have to deal with the error, but when they treat partial data as if it were complete, debugging will likely be a nightmare.
Handle ambiguity sensibly
When behavior is ambiguous, choose the option that is least likely to surprise the user and not the one that is most intuitive based on the implementation. (Implementation details are subject to change; what’s intuitive now may not be intuitive after your next refactoring.)

Remember, do every reasonable thing in your power to meet the expectations of your users. They will be happier, more productive.

  1. schadenfreudesüchtig: (noun) A schadenfreude-seeky. One who has an inclination to seek pleasure from another person’s misfortune.